Joomla! 3 continues development of the Joomla Platform and CMS as a powerful and flexible way to bring your vision of the web to reality. With the new administrator interface and adoption of Twitter Bootstrap, the ability to control its look and the management of extensions is now complete.

Working with multiple template styles and overrides for the same views, creating the design you want is easier than it has ever been. Limiting support to PHP 5.3.10 and above makes Joomla lighter and faster than ever.

The separation of the Joomla! Platform project from the Joomla! CMS project makes continuous development of new, powerful APIs and continuous improvement of existing APIs possible while maintaining the stability of the CMS that millions of webmasters and professionals rely upon.

113-1成果展 - 台灣古典詩學暨詩詞吟唱

113-1成果展 - 跟著披頭四學烏克麗麗-林道元

113-1成果展 - 鋼琴與bass的混成教學-林有龍


